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What To Do When You’ve Been Accused of Fraud

Being accused of fraud is a serious matter that requires you to find experienced legal counsel immediately. If you're facing such accusations in Kentucky or Indiana, seek guidance from experienced attorneys at Wicker / Brammell.

June 19, 2024

Facing accusations of fraud can be an overwhelming experience, especially when your reputation and livelihood are on the line. In such situations, knowing how to navigate the legal process is crucial. If you're in Kentucky or Indiana, and find yourself accused of fraud, seeking the counsel of experienced criminal defense attorneys like Wicker / Brammell, PLLC, can make a significant difference in your case's outcome.

Understanding the Accusation

The first step after being accused of any type of fraud is to understand the nature of the accusation against you. Fraud can be civil or criminal, and encompasses various activities, including business and securities fraud, financial fraud, social security fraud, health care fraud, mail fraud, bank fraud, bankruptcy fraud, and many more. Understanding the specific allegations and the potential consequences is crucial in formulating a defense strategy.

Seek Legal Representation

Immediately upon learning of the accusation, it's important to seek legal representation from qualified attorneys who have vast experience in federal criminal defense and white-collar crimes. In Louisville, Wicker / Brammell, PLLC, stands out for their experience in navigating complex federal cases, including many that include fraud charges.

Remain Silent and Avoid Further Incrimination

Once you've sought legal counsel, it is important to remain silent and avoid discussing the details of the accusation with anyone, including law enforcement, friends, or family members, at least until after you’ve consulted with counsel. Anything you say can potentially be used against you in court, so exercising your right to remain silent is crucial.

Gather Evidence and Documentation

Work closely with your attorneys to gather evidence and documentation that can support your defense. This may include financial records, emails, contracts, or any other relevant documents that can refute the accusations or provide context to your actions.

Cooperate with Your Legal Team

Wicker / Brammell, PLLC will guide you through the legal process, including interactions with law enforcement, court appearances, negotiations, and sometimes a trial. It's essential to cooperate with your attorneys and follow their advice diligently.

Stay Informed

Throughout the legal proceedings, stay informed about the progress of your case and any developments. Your attorneys will keep you updated on important milestones, court dates, and potential plea offers. Being informed allows you to actively participate in your defense strategy.

Consider Your Options

Depending on the circumstances of your case, your attorneys may recommend various defense strategies, including negotiating a plea bargain, or going to trial. Consider your options carefully in consultation with your legal team, weighing the potential risks and benefits of each approach.

Contact Wicker / Brammell, PLLC Today 

Being accused of fraud is a serious matter that requires you to find experienced legal counsel immediately. If you're facing such accusations in Kentucky or Indiana, seek guidance from experienced attorneys like the legal professionals at Wicker / Brammell, PLLC. Contact our office today (502) 780-6185 to schedule a new client meeting.

Practice Area:   
Federal Criminal Defense
Bill Brammell

Bill Brammell


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